Death and dying are the most normal and common elements of the human experience. And yet they can also be some of the hardest and most painful experiences we go through. I cannot make illness, end of life, death, bereavement, or grief ok. But if you find yourself facing a death (your own, or that of a loved one), I can help with some of the admin and preparation and ease that burden a little.

With both a lot of compassion and a very practical approach, I can help you:

  • design and share your living will: also known as advance planning or future care planning, this is where you decide what you want your end of life to look like and tell all the people who need to know;

  • make a “life book”: ensure that all the important passwords, phone numbers, direct debits, and various life admin details in your households are deathproof by simply writing them down somewhere both safe and accessible;

  • plan a memorial: whether you are planning your own (and this can be a living funeral), or a memorial for a loved one, there is a lot to consider, from budgeting to music, to finding the right celebrants. I can help with the practical details and in communicating with various professionals;

  • bereavement admin: as if grieving wasn’t hard enough, after you’ve said goodbye to a close loved one, you find yourself with one million phone calls to make to opaque government agencies. You don’t have to do this alone, I can provide some guidance and/or come to appointments with you if you need;

  • For therapists: I can help you plan and organise your clinical will in a person-centred and authentic way, reflecting on and celebrating your professional legacy.

My fees for this work is £70 per one-hour session. Get in touch if you’d like to discuss how I can help.

Here are some useful links in case you’d like to do some of this work by yourself or find out more about it: