Later Day Gays: Coming to Terms with Queer Identity as an Adult

You know how kids these days are so confident about their sexual and gender identity? It looks like they know all the labels, they know exactly who they are and what they want and are not afraid to shout it from the rooftops.

Yeah, well good for them.

For some of us who were born in the last century, discovering our queer, trans or NB identity is coming up now, in adulthood, and it's complicated. How do I tell my partner that I might need to transition, or that I'm actually not straight? How do I come out as NB at work? Is ethical non-monogamy the way forward for me and my partner? How does one suddenly start same-sex dating in your 30s or 40s?

You are not alone. Come talk about it.

Practical details:

This group meets one Thursday each month, online, from 7pm to 9pm. The fee is £25 to £60 per participant per session, depending on what you can afford. We need a minimum of 3 people to run the group, and we cap out at 8 participants. If we run a smaller group (three or four people), we may choose to only have 90 minute sessions rather than two hours, and the minimum fee would then be £30. This will all be discussed in advance at the taster session.

The group runs monthly for six months and I ask that you commit to six months. The groups will renew and you can join as many as you’d like.

Each month I will bring one question or topic as “homework” for us to discuss in the group. There will be plenty of opportunities to share your own experiences, memories, questions, and answers.

Dates for 2024 are TBC, please email me to find out, or follow me on Instagram @bekindrewindcounselling .

How To Join

Get in touch via email or whatever medium suits you best. I’ll need to find out a bit more about you to make sure it’s a right fit, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.